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Highest Rated Free Chrome Apps for Project Managers

Highest Rated Free Chrome Apps for Project Managers

Sometimes IT Project Managers have a lot on their plates. Sometimes it’s timelines and questions rather than pizza and tacos. What? You don’t eat pizza and tacos together? You should try it! Anyway, we’ve set out to find you the best (by the standards of the users who use them) Chrome apps for project and task management. All three are intuitive, all three are great. You’ll just have to decide for yourself!


127k users/ 4.7 star rating in the Chrome Web Store It is important for project managers to avoid things like scope-creep ("bright shiny objects!") and keep everyone aware of the state of the project at any given time. Trello does a great job of easily illustrating your project timeline in a collaborative way for everyone to see and understand. Trello is a stand-alone project management software that has multiple extensions to make it easier to get to. The Chrome app is a great extension because it keeps you from having to bookmark each new board. One reviewer says, "We are a small team working with remote vendors and clients and Trello allows me to collaborate with everyone and keep everyone up to date across all projects no matter where they are located."


Bonus: Scrum for Trello

35k users/ 4.3 star rating in the Chrome Web Store This adds the hours estimation in that Trello lacks. One reviewer gave it five stars and said, "We use it for every sprint planning."


Task Timer

126k users/ 4.4 star rating in the Chrome Web Store This app will allow you to set time limits for projects and then track time spent. This is a great tool for IT project managers in particular, for not only keeping your team in check for certain tasks but also for letting clients know your realistic time estimate for each task. This will get everyone on the same page, which makes your job easier. Some are attracted to its simplicity; it tracks time and that's about it. One reviewer says,  "I have tried others that do more, but the simplicity of Task Timer always brings me back!"



441k users/ 4.6 star rating in the Chrome Web Store Wonderlist is highly used and highly rated. The cross-platform app got its start as a Windows and OSX app, then moved to mobile devices and now works on the web. A unique Gmail function allows you to see your to-do list within your Gmail mailbox. One reviewer says, "I just type in all my tasks on the computer (because I dread using my phone to enter 20 tasks). Then all my tasks show up on my phone and voila! next thing I know I'm done." This is great for IT project managers who use ALL THE PLATFORMS.


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