The Hardest Interview Question for Millennials to Answer (and how to nail it every time)
The Question: “Where do you see yourself in five years?” The Problem: For someone that's less than five years into his career, this...
The Hardest Interview Question for Millennials to Answer (and how to nail it every time)
Successful Interviews (Step 10 of 10): Read a Book
Successful Interviews (Step 9 of 10): Write a Thank You Note
Successful Interviews (Step 8 of 10): Ask for the Job
Successful Interviews (Step 7 of 10): Don't Discuss Salary
Successful Interviews (Step 6 of 10): Ask Questions
Successful Interviews (Step 5 of 10): Emphasize Your Skills
Successful Interviews (Step 4 of 10): Emphasize Your Strengths
Successful Interviews (Step 3 of 10): Be Confident and Enthusiastic
Successful Interviews (Step 2 of 10): A Good First Impression