We can’t pinpoint exactly when it started, but the “Enneagram” has been making waves in social channels and across KellyMitchell. Similar to our ‘need to know’ whether you have an inner-monologue or not (don’t know what we’re talking about – check it out!), what Enneagram number you get assigned seems to make its way into every Zoom Happy Hour conversation. What is an Enneagram, you ask? It is a personality system that breaks down how people interact and engage with the world.
At the core of the Enneagram system are nine personality types that describe how each of the “types” has a different pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting. Harnessing these insights can not only help you understand yourself better but also those around you. One of the biggest areas that you can utilize the Enneagram is in your work life. From understanding your own office habits to your coworker’s communication styles, this tool can be invaluable. If you are unsure of your “type”, we recommend taking this quick test to help figure that out.
Type 1: The Perfectionist
As their nickname might suggest, ones are known for being thorough, responsible, and hard-working. They hold both themselves and others to high standards, ones are known for delivering high quality work product. For ones to maximize positivity in the workplace, they need to focus on growth in all situations. As long as one does that, they will be seen as someone who does well under pressure and is always looking for growth opportunities as opposed to an anxious perfectionist.
Type 1 KMers: Cassandra Sanford, Erin Dean, Ryan Haggart, and Anne Torti
Type 2: The Helper
Twos are the type of people who put other’s needs ahead of their own and have a gift for community building. They are great at motivating team members to utilize their talents in the service of the team. Especially during times like these, two’s optimistic energy can be felt even virtually. However, twos are on the more sensitive side, so they need gentle feedback and are quick to misinterpret criticism via email or messaging.
Type 2 KMers: Emily Kahlenbeck, Hailey Meyer, Victoria Luetkemeyer and Nicole Mard
Type 3: The Achiever
Type 3s put a heavy emphasis on success and achievement. They genuinely enjoy working hard and producing great work. They can be driven and adaptable which allows them to move quickly into action to accomplish results. However, at times they might need to be redirected to the success of the team over the success of the individual. If managing a three, remember, they work best when they feel appreciated and valued.
Type 3 KMers: Kim Paxton, Blaise Bussell, Taylor Walker, and Natalie Lofgren
Type 4: The Individualist
Fours are all about imagination and creativity and are known to be unbiased and honorable. They are great at helping team members find their passion for work. Fours are great problem solvers, finding unique ways to approach team challenges. However, fours need to be careful of becoming overcommitted which can lead to their burnout. Creating time for creativity in their schedule will boost their capacity for brainstorming and mental energy.
Type 4 KMers: None that we’ve found yet!
Type 5: The Investigator
Fives are extremely focused and are especially strategic thinkers. They are quick to become subject matter experts on their teams as they strive to understand everything around them. When fives become overwhelmed, they should focus on simple steps instead of trying to plan for every unknown. Lists are a crucial part of a five’s success and help provide them the confidence to do their best. Fives also tend to be the most independent of the nine types so they are probably loving WFH right now.
Type 5 KMers: Ariel Dierkes and Matt Searing
Type 6: The Loyalist
Those who are type sixes are known universally as friendly, loyal, and sincere. In the workplace, they are dedicated allies, willing to put in long hours. Sixes thrive when they know they are secure and have the support of others. When they are at their best sixes are relaxed and optimistic in nature. However, they can at times be a little competitive in order to achieve that approval from others. Additionally, sixes need to be careful in avoiding spending too much time on the “What if?”s to maximize productivity.
Type 6 KMers: None that we’ve found yet!
Type 7: The Enthusiast
Our type 7 or Enthusiasts are always thinking ahead, looking for better options. They tend to be very extroverted, productive, and spontaneous (quite the mix, we know!). While they are focused on living life to the fullest, they have to be wary of being overly perfectionistic as it can slow them from getting a project done. They will bring positivity to any team or group by highlighting the successes over the losses. However, in all their socializing, they can have a tendency to be late for meetings.
Type 7 KMers: Delena Verhey, Meghan Thesing, Sophia Georgantonis and Emily Browne
Type 8: The Protector
Eights are extremely self-confident, decisive, and willful and thus, natural leaders. Their self-sufficiency is one of their ultimate strengths. Their biggest desire is to be needed, as well as in control but this comes from a place of caring. They are usually the first to take the lead on large initiatives or parts of a project no one else wants to do. While they can be confrontational at times and somewhat domineering, they are also known as great negotiators.
Type 8 KMers: Kendall Gallagher, Jen Zang, Gina Chisholm, and Amy Zbaren
Type 9: The Mediator
Nines are known as receptive and reassuring and in the office, they are extremely process-oriented. They are quick to harmonize with almost any person, task, or environment. However, when they are unable to create harmony in a situation it can cause anxiety and apprehensiveness. If nines express their thoughts and feelings they are able to approach that conflict with greater ease and find the potential growth opportunities.
Type 9 KMers: Amber Connors, Michael Ferranto, and Dakota Gobelman
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