From toilet paper shortages to working from home, 2020 threw us quite a few curveballs. However, as we take a minute to reflect on the last year, we can all agree there have been quite a few silver linings that many of us have enjoyed.
More time with pets and those we live with, the chance to finally organize that one closet, the opportunity to binge-watch the full Star Wars series for the first time, whatever your thing was 2020 open many doors. And through those doors, we also found many things we learned that we want to take with us into 2021. After talking with some of our colleagues we wanted to share with you what they'll be taking with them as they roll into the New Year.
2020 has brought a lot of firsts for many, myself included. Firsts for uncertainty, but most importantly, firsts for exciting new experiences, a new role, new friendships, new skills, and new growth. Through the highs and lows, I’m proud to say that this year has taught me the true value of gratitude, resilience, and what it means to adapt for the better. Big thank you to KM for that! KellyMitchell Group tackled this year with a motivated, can-do attitude that not only fostered constant support, connectedness, and positivity but also fun of course! Proud to be a part of this amazing company that continues to grow our love for staffing more and more! With that, cheers to 2021! -Emily Guzman, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist
It’s hard to pin my favorite learning from 2020 because it was a year of growth, but if I had to pick three words it would be: adapt, expand, and improve. KellyMitchell was quick to adapt to a virtual environment and while not ideal in the beginning, it allowed me to expand my reach and grow from so many individuals. Internally, I’ve been able to learn from our leaders across markets to improve my process and be a better CEM to my clients. I’ve also been able to be a partner to my clients in new ways and had the opportunity to expand my reach across coasts, where I may have previously been limited. I’m excited to head into 2021 with the same mindset I’ve developed in 2020, there is power in utilizing your internal network to better yourself, and continue to push yourself beyond your boundaries to see what else is out there. -Ali Reagan, Client Engagement Manager
If I had to pick one word to describe all that I’ve learned from 2020, it would have to be patience. Patience with my dogs when they bark during a conference call, patience when it comes to house projects (especially when you are home 99.9% of the time), patience towards my husband because we’re the only person each other has seen in weeks and most of all patience that this is all temporary and done out of the health and safety for others. Sometimes I think we got so into our normal routines, prior to all of this, we forgot to give each other the courtesy of patience for whatever each other was going through. Watching the world turn on it’s head overnight, taught me to give my friends, family, and coworkers time and space to process the changes as each of us was affected so differently and I hope to carry that with me into 2021. -Katie Zimmerman, Senior Marketing + Communications Lead
2020 put in perspective which relationships are more meaningful. I have one group of friends who lives all over the place now, and while the distance has never impacted the friendship, it’s always been easy to take it for granted. We found time while quarantining to at least once a week to connect as a group, whether it be for a video call or playing video games. 2020 gave me a chance to reflect on the relationships by wanting to put forth more effort to make contact with certain friends and I look forward to making a more conscientious effort with those people. -Michael Ferranto, Accounting Specialist
What am I taking into 2021? The “less is more” mindset because if 2020 taught me anything it’s that I don’t need as much as I thought I did (who knew?!). Simplifying helps us be much more intentional and we could all benefit from that in the new year! -Ellen Hickey, Business Operations Specialist
With all of the challenges, 2020 has presented there have also been some very important lessons! The most substantial learning I’ve gained has been to welcome change and to learn to go with the flow of things. I am a huge planner and typically do not do well when I don’t know what the future holds. I have had to adjust my mindset and although it has been a hard process it has created a lot of mental growth for me. -Emily Luecke, Human Resource Specialist
Throughout this year, I have learned that the little things are truly the big things! And I miss a lot of those little, big things that I no longer take for granted — Hugs, packed live concerts and sporting events, wearing heels, dinner parties — TOGETHERNESS! 2020 has definitely been a year of gratitude, personal growth, and reflection on what truly matters in life, especially as a new mom! I can’t wait until we can safely squish all 46+ of my extended family around a small card table in my aunt’s basement, while my soon-to-be 1-year-old greets them with drooly smiles. Cheers to health, happiness, and togetherness in 2021! -Ariel Dierkes, Integrated Brand Manager
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