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National Volunteer Week- KM Gives Back


Philanthropy is something that is built into the DNA of KellyMitchell – we believe we can make the world better both by helping job candidates reach their full potential and by serving the communities where we live and work. This week is National Volunteer Week, and we couldn’t be happier (or prouder!) to take this opportunity to highlight all the amazing work our employees do throughout the year to contribute to the organizations that mean something to them.

Katyann- I recently volunteered for the O’Brien School for Maasai in Tanzania. There I was the Women’s Empowerment Group Coordinator and substitute taught grades 5, 6, and 7. It was such an amazing opportunity to be able to connect with the women and children and become a facilitator of positive change to the village. In between teaching, I would work with the women from the village on entrepreneurial projects and facilitated the women’s jewelry projects.

Samantha- My most recent volunteer work was through an organization known as CAVE (which stands for Community Action Volunteers in Education). I participated in the program “Adopt a Grandparent” for 2 years. I was assigned multiple residents at a senior living home and spent 3 hours a week with them doing community activities and one on one support.

Shawna – So I partner with Younglife and as a volunteer, it’s all about the kids and teens! We focus on what matters for them which is mostly all about fun, adventure, friendship and sense of significance. To do this and have the privilege of talking to them about something that we believe in as a way to create matter in their lives and to find purpose in what they want to do is incredibly impactful for me.

Giovanni- I’m active with the Big Brothers Big Sisters organization. I have a little brother and pick him up to hang out a few times every month. We do fun things and I also help him with school work and do anything I can to be a positive role model.

Gina- I work with The Magic House, which is a non-profit Children’s Museum located in St. Louis, that engages all children with hands-on learning experiences to spark their imagination and interest in STEAM-focused activities. I was introduced to the Magic House when my now six-year-old was a toddler, and I loved seeing what they were able to do to engage and teach young children. I have sat on their Young Professionals Board for the past year, and our committee raises money that provides all-expenses-paid field trips to schools in underprivileged areas who might not otherwise have access to the ‘magic’ of the Magic House.

Lauren B.- I try to use my professional knowledge to give back personally. I recently sat on a panel with Gio where we worked with those reacclimating to life outside of prison and gave them interview tips and helped prepare them for the workforce.

Lauren S.- We had the opportunity to work on a house with Habitat Humanity last summer! It was really neat seeing how many people gave up an entire weekend to help out people in their own community. I learned a lot of useful things along the way too, like how to use a nail gun!

Jacqueline- This past holiday season, we adopted a needy family and helped make the holidays more special for a single mother and her two children. We bought toys, clothes, blankets and a grocery store gift card. We dropped it off at a United Way agency and it was a great feeling to bring the holidays to a family that wouldn’t have had one.

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