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KellyMitchell United Way Campaign

A note from KellyMitchell CEO Cassandra Sanford:

On October 18th, KellyMitchell kicked off its 1st St. Louis United Way Campaign! United Way is a leading support organization, with over 1800 community-based United Ways in 45 countries and territories. Their St. Louis branch supports 200+ non-profit organizations in the local area whose sustainability depends on the financial help from United Way and its donors.

I am so very pleased to announce that KellyMitchell’s Fall 2010 United Way Campaign has raised over $20,000 via donations from our employees! What an amazing showing of support by our team! The United Way is unbelievably appreciative and as a team we’ve made a significant impact in our community.

Additionally, I have even more exciting news to share – I am very honored to have been chosen as the 2011 Leader of the United Way Women’s Initiative! I look forward to assisting Mr. Dan Ludeman, President of WellsFargo, in continuing to further support in the United Way 2011 campaign.

Please continue to join me in changing the lives of so many people in our community by donating to the United Way.

With warmest regards,

Cassandra Sanford


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